Siapa manusia pertama di dunia? Semua pasti menjawab Adam. Ya! Dari anak kecil hingga dewasa tak akan membantah jika Adam adalah manusia di zaman awal penciptaan. Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu’anhu, dari Rasulullah saw, bersabda: “Allah menciptakan Adam dan tingginya 60 dzira” (hasta). Kemudian Allah berfirman kepada Adam:“Pergilah, ucapkan salam kepada mereka para malaikat”.
“Lalu dengarlah salam mereka kepadamu, sebagai salammu dan salam keturunanmu!’ MakaAdam berkata: “Assalamu’alaikum”. Malaikat-malaikat Allah menjawab: Assalaamu’alaika warahmatullah”. “Maka semua orang yang masuk jannah (tinggi badannya) seperti Adam. Dan manusia terus menerus berkurang (ketinggiannya)”. (Hadits shahih Muttafaqun ‘alaihi)
Dengan dasar hadits tersebut, Hamdan al Mas’udiy, seorang lelaki warga Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, mewujudkan sabda Nabi Muhammad itu dalam wujud visual nyata. Hadits Nabi yang menjelaskan bahwa tinggi Nabi Adam adalah 60 hasta ((1 kaki = 30 cm, 1 hasta = 1,5 kaki, jadi 60 hasta = 90 kaki = 30 meter), adalah rujukan bagi Hamdan untuk menghadirkan ukuran tubuh Bapak Manusia itu dengan membuat jahitan baju yang disesuaikan dengan sirah dari Rasulullah. Dengan dibantu empat orang penjahit, ia membuat baju raksasa berukuran tinggi 29 meter dan lebar 12 meter.
Tujuan dari dibuatnya pakaian raksasa itu adalah agar manusia saat ini bisa mengetahui dengan jelas Nabi Adam yang sebenarnya, walaupun Hamdan mengaku pakaian raksasa yang dibuatnya itu belum tentu persis dengan ukuran Nabi Adam yang sebenarnya. “Saya hanya mencoba menghadirkan profil bentuk tubuh Nabi Adam sesuai dengan sirah yang digambarkan oleh Rasulullah,” terang Hamdan, dikutip waraqat.
Who is the first man in the world? All must answer Adam. Ya! From children to adults will not be denied if Adam is the man at the time of the beginning of creation. Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu'anhu, from the Messenger of Allah, said: "God created Adam and height 60 dzira" (cubits). Then God said to Adam: "Go and say hi to them the angels".
"Then hear their greetings to you, let your peace and greetings as descendants! 'And Adam said:" Hello ". God's angels replied: Assalaamu'alaika warahmatullah ". "So all those who enter Jannah (height) as Adam. And people continue to decrease (height) ". (Saheeh Hadeeth Agreed upon)
On the basis of the Hadith, Hamdan al Mas'udiy, a male resident Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the Prophet Muhammad was manifest in the form of real visual. Hadith Prophet Adam explained that the height was 60 cubits ((1 foot = 30 cm, 1 cubit = 1.5 feet, so 60 feet = 90 feet = 30 feet), is the reference for Hamdan to bring Mr Man's body size with makes stitching clothes tailored to sirah of the Prophet. Aided by four seamstresses, he made a giant-sized clothes 29 meters high and 12 meters wide.
The purpose of the giant clothing made is for people today can be clear about the real Adam, although Hamdan admitted he made a giant clothing is not necessarily exactly the size of the real Adam. "I'm just trying to present the profile shape according to the sirah of Prophet Adam described by the Prophet," said Hamdan, cited waraqat.
The massive project was undertaken Hamdan and colleagues for 18 days circuitry number of bolts of fabric to 40 rolls and 30 thousand spools of thread. Long white dress that was 29 feet, 9 feet shoulder width two, less than 12 meters wide, 10 meters long sleeves, neck circumference of 6 meters and a collar (neck circumference diameter) reaches 2 meters. Wow! Gede huh? By watching a dress designed by Hamdan, humans can infer how the shape of the human body first in the world.
Proyek besar itu dikerjakan Hamdan dan rekan-rekanya selama 18 hari dnegan jumlah gulungan kain mencapai 40 gulungan dan 30 ribu gulungan benang. Panjang pakaian berwarna putih itu adalah 29 meter, lebar dua pundak 9 meter, lebar bawah 12 meter, panjang lengan 10 meter, lingkar leher 6 meter dan kerah (diameter lingkar leher) mencapai 2 meter. Wow! Gede banget ya? Dengan menyaksikan baju hasil rancangan Hamdan, manusia dapat mengambil kesimpulan bagaimana bentuk tubuh manusia pertama di dunia itu.
English Version
Who is the first man in the world? All must answer Adam. Ya! From children to adults will not be denied if Adam is the man at the time of the beginning of creation. Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu'anhu, from the Messenger of Allah, said: "God created Adam and height 60 dzira" (cubits). Then God said to Adam: "Go and say hi to them the angels".
"Then hear their greetings to you, let your peace and greetings as descendants! 'And Adam said:" Hello ". God's angels replied: Assalaamu'alaika warahmatullah ". "So all those who enter Jannah (height) as Adam. And people continue to decrease (height) ". (Saheeh Hadeeth Agreed upon)
On the basis of the Hadith, Hamdan al Mas'udiy, a male resident Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the Prophet Muhammad was manifest in the form of real visual. Hadith Prophet Adam explained that the height was 60 cubits ((1 foot = 30 cm, 1 cubit = 1.5 feet, so 60 feet = 90 feet = 30 feet), is the reference for Hamdan to bring Mr Man's body size with makes stitching clothes tailored to sirah of the Prophet. Aided by four seamstresses, he made a giant-sized clothes 29 meters high and 12 meters wide.
The purpose of the giant clothing made is for people today can be clear about the real Adam, although Hamdan admitted he made a giant clothing is not necessarily exactly the size of the real Adam. "I'm just trying to present the profile shape according to the sirah of Prophet Adam described by the Prophet," said Hamdan, cited waraqat.
The massive project was undertaken Hamdan and colleagues for 18 days circuitry number of bolts of fabric to 40 rolls and 30 thousand spools of thread. Long white dress that was 29 feet, 9 feet shoulder width two, less than 12 meters wide, 10 meters long sleeves, neck circumference of 6 meters and a collar (neck circumference diameter) reaches 2 meters. Wow! Gede huh? By watching a dress designed by Hamdan, humans can infer how the shape of the human body first in the world.