Ini adalah
pedang-pedang yang pernah dipakai oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW semasa hidupnya
untuk berdakwah menyebarkan agama islam dan berperang di jalan Allah
melawan kaum kafir. Jumlah total pedang yang pernah digunakan ada 7
buah. Mari kita simak 7 Pedang Legendaris Milik Nabi Muhammad SAW, yaitu
1. Pedang Al Ma’thur
Juga dikenal sebagai ‘Ma’thur Al-Fijar’ adalah
pedang yang dimiliki oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW sebelum dia menerima wahyu
yang pertama di Mekah. Pedang ini diberi oleh ayahnya, dan dibawa waktu
hijrah dari Mekah ke Medinah sampai akhirnya diberikan bersama-sama
dengan peralatan perang lain kepada
Ali bin Abi Thalib.Sekarang pedang ini berada di Museum Topkapi,
Istanbul. Berbentuk blade dengan panjang 99 cm. Pegangannya terbuat dari
emas dengan bentuk berupa 2 ular dengan berlapiskan emeralds dan pirus.
Dekat dengan pegangan itu terdapat Kufic ukiran tulisan Arab berbunyi:
‘Abdallah bin Abd al-Mutalib’.
2. Pedang Al ‘Adb
Al-’Adb, nama pedang ini, berarti “memotong” atau “tajam.” Pedang
ini dikirim ke para sahabat Nabi Muhammad SAW sesaat sebelum Perang
Badar. Dia menggunakan pedang ini di Perang Uhud dan
pengikut-pengikutnnya menggunakan pedang ini untuk menunjukkan kesetiaan
kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW. Sekarang pedang ini berada di masjid Husain di Kairo Mesir.
3. Pedang Dhu Al Faqar
Dhu Al Faqar adalah sebuah pedang Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai hasil rampasan pada waktu perang Badr. Dan dilaporkan bahwa Nabi Muhammad SAW memberikan pedang ini kepada
Ali bin Abi Thalib, yang kemudian Ali mengembalikannya ketika Perang
Uhud dengan bersimbah darah dari tangan dan bahunya, dengan membawa Dhu
Al Faqar di tangannya.Banyak sumber mengatakan bahwa pedang ini milik
Ali Bin Abi Thalib dan keluarga. Berbentuk blade dengan dua mata.
4. Pedang Al Battar
Al Battar adalah sebuah pedang Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai hasil rampasan dari Banu Qaynaqa. Pedang ini disebut sebagai
‘Pedangnya para nabi‘, dan di dalam pedang ini terdapat ukiran tulisan
Arab yang berbunyi :‘Nabi Daud AS, Nabi Sulaiman AS, Nabi Musa AS, Nabi
Harun AS, Nabi Yusuf AS, Nabi Zakaria AS, Nabi Yahya AS, Nabi Isa AS,
Nabi Muhammad SAW’.Gambar ukiran nama-nama para nabi di dalamnya :
Di dalamnya juga terdapat gambar Nabi Daud AS ketika memotong kepala dari Goliath, orang yang memiliki pedang ini pada awalnya. Di pedang ini juga terdapat tulisan yang diidentifikasi sebagai tulisan Nabataean. Sekarang pedang ini berada di Museum Topkapi, Istanbul. Berbentuk blade dengan panjang 101 cm. Dikabarkan bahwa ini adalah pedang yang akan digunakan Nabi Isa AS kelak ketika dia turun ke bumi kembali untuk mengalahkan Dajjal.
Di dalamnya juga terdapat gambar Nabi Daud AS ketika memotong kepala dari Goliath, orang yang memiliki pedang ini pada awalnya. Di pedang ini juga terdapat tulisan yang diidentifikasi sebagai tulisan Nabataean. Sekarang pedang ini berada di Museum Topkapi, Istanbul. Berbentuk blade dengan panjang 101 cm. Dikabarkan bahwa ini adalah pedang yang akan digunakan Nabi Isa AS kelak ketika dia turun ke bumi kembali untuk mengalahkan Dajjal.
5. Pedang Hatf
Hatf adalah sebuah pedang Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai hasil rampasan
dari Banu Qaynaqa. Dikisahkan bahwa Nabi Daud AS mengambil pedang ‘Al
Battar’ dari Goliath sebagai rampasan ketika dia mengalahkan Goliath
tersebut pada saat umurnya 20 tahun.Allah SWT memberi kemampuan kepada
Nabi Daud AS untuk ‘bekerja’ dengan besi, membuat baju baja, senjata
dan alat perang, dan dia juga membuat senjatanya sendiri. Dan Hatf
adalah salah satu
buatannya, menyerupai Al Battar tetapi lebih besar dari itu.Dia
menggunakan pedang ini yang kemudian disimpan oleh suku Levita (suku
yang menyimpan senjata-senjata barang Israel) dan akhirnya sampai ke
tangan Nabi Muhammad SAW. Sekarang pedang ini berada di Musemum Topkapi,
Istanbul. Berbentuk blade, dengan panjang 112 cm dan lebar 8 cm.
6. Pedang Al Mikhdham
Ada yang mengabarkan bahwa pedang ini berasal dari Nabi Muhammad
SAW yang kemudian diberikan kepada Ali bin Abi Thalib dan diteruskan ke
anak-anaknya Ali. Tapi ada kabar lain bahwa pedang ini berasal dari Ali
bin Abi Thalib sebagai hasil rampasan pada serangan yang dia pimpin di
Syria.Sekarang pedang ini berada di Museum Topkapi, Istanbul. Berbentuk
blade dengan panjang 97 cm, dan mempunyai ukiran tulisan Arab yang
berbunyi: ‘Zayn al-Din al-Abidin’.
7. Pedang Al Rasub
Ada yang mengatakan bahwa pedang ini dijaga di rumah Nabi Muhammad
SAW oleh keluarga dan sanak saudaranya seperti layaknya bahtera (Ark)
yang disimpan oleh bangsa Israel.Sekarang pedang ini berada di Museum
Topkapi, Istanbul. Berbentuk blade dengan panjang 140 cm, mempunyai
bulatan emas yang didalamnya terdapat ukiran tulisan Arab yang berbunyi:
‘Ja’far al-Sadiq’.
English Version
are the swords that had been used by the Prophet Muhammad during his
lifetime to preach and spread the religion of Islam fighting in Allah
against the infidel. The total number who have ever used the sword there are 7 pieces. Let's look at 7 Sword Legendary Owned Prophet Muhammad, namely:1. Sword Al Ma'thur
Also known as 'Al-Fijar Ma'thur' is a sword held by the Prophet Muhammad before he received the first revelation in Mecca. The sword was given by his father, and taken the time migrated from Mecca to Medina until finally given together with other war equipment to Ali ibn Abi Thalib.Sekarang sword is in the Topkapi Museum, Istanbul. Shaped blade with a length of 99 cm. The handle is made of gold with the form of the two serpents with emeralds and turquoise encrusted. Close to the handle are carved Kufic Arabic script reads: 'Abdallah bin Abd al-Muttalib'.2. Sword Al-'Adb
Al-'Adb, the name of this sword, means "cutting" or "sharp." This sword is sent to the companions of the Prophet Muhammad just before the Battle of Badr. He used this sword at the Battle of Uhud and his pengikutnnya use this sword to show loyalty to the Prophet Muhammad. Now the sword is in the Husayn Mosque in Cairo Egypt.3. Sword of Dhu Al Faqar
Dhu Al Faqar is a sword of the Prophet Muhammad as booty at Badr. And reported that the Prophet Muhammad gave the sword to Ali ibn Abi Talib, who later Ali returned when the Battle of Uhud covered with blood from his hands and shoulders, to carry Dhu Al Faqar in tangannya.Banyak sources say that the sword is owned by Ali Bin Abi Talib and family. Shaped blade with two eyes.4. Sword Al Battar
Al Battar is a sword of the Prophet Muhammad as booty from the Banu Qaynaqa. The sword is called "sword of the prophets ', and in this there is a sword carved Arabic inscription which reads:' The Prophet David AS, AS Solomon, Prophet Musa, Prophet Harun AS, Prophet Yusuf AS, Prophet Zakariya AS, Prophet Yahya AS , Prophet Isa AS, Prophet Muhammad SAW. 'Figure carved the names of the prophets in it:In it there is also a picture of David cut off the head of the U.S. as Goliath, people who have this sword in the beginning. In this sword there is also a writing identified as Nabataean writing.
Now the sword is in the Topkapi Museum, Istanbul. Shaped blade with a length of 101 cm. Rumored that this is the sword that the Prophet Isa AS will be used later when he came down to earth again to defeat the Antichrist.5. Sword Hatf
Hatf is a sword of the Prophet Muhammad as booty from the Banu Qaynaqa. It was narrated that the Prophet David AS took the sword 'Al Battar "from Goliath as booty when he defeated Goliath was at the age of 20 tahun.Allah Almighty to Prophet David gave the U.S. the ability to' work 'with iron, making armor, weapons and tools of war, and he also made his own gun. And Hatf is one made, like Al Battar but bigger than itu.Dia using this sword which is then stored by the tribe Levita (tribes keep weapons Israel stuff) and eventually got into the hands of the Prophet Muhammad. Now the sword is in Musemum Topkapi, Istanbul. Shaped blade with a length of 112 cm and a width of 8 cm.
6. Sword Al Mikhdham
There is news that the sword is from the Prophet Muhammad who was then given to Ali ibn Abi Talib and passed to his sons Ali. But there is another word that is derived from the sword of Ali ibn Abi Talib as captured in the raid he led on Syria.Sekarang sword is in the Topkapi Museum, Istanbul. Shaped blade with a length of 97 cm, and has carved Arabic writing that reads: 'Zayn al-Din al-Abidin'.7. Sword Al Rasub
Some say that the sword was kept at home by the family of the Prophet Muhammad and his relatives like the Ark (Ark) Israel.Sekarang stored by the sword is in the Topkapi Museum, Istanbul. Shaped blade with a length of 140 cm, has a gold circle in which there are carved Arabic inscription that reads: 'Ja'far al-Sadiq'.
Also known as 'Al-Fijar Ma'thur' is a sword held by the Prophet Muhammad before he received the first revelation in Mecca. The sword was given by his father, and taken the time migrated from Mecca to Medina until finally given together with other war equipment to Ali ibn Abi Thalib.Sekarang sword is in the Topkapi Museum, Istanbul. Shaped blade with a length of 99 cm. The handle is made of gold with the form of the two serpents with emeralds and turquoise encrusted. Close to the handle are carved Kufic Arabic script reads: 'Abdallah bin Abd al-Muttalib'.2. Sword Al-'Adb
Al-'Adb, the name of this sword, means "cutting" or "sharp." This sword is sent to the companions of the Prophet Muhammad just before the Battle of Badr. He used this sword at the Battle of Uhud and his pengikutnnya use this sword to show loyalty to the Prophet Muhammad. Now the sword is in the Husayn Mosque in Cairo Egypt.3. Sword of Dhu Al Faqar
Dhu Al Faqar is a sword of the Prophet Muhammad as booty at Badr. And reported that the Prophet Muhammad gave the sword to Ali ibn Abi Talib, who later Ali returned when the Battle of Uhud covered with blood from his hands and shoulders, to carry Dhu Al Faqar in tangannya.Banyak sources say that the sword is owned by Ali Bin Abi Talib and family. Shaped blade with two eyes.4. Sword Al Battar
Al Battar is a sword of the Prophet Muhammad as booty from the Banu Qaynaqa. The sword is called "sword of the prophets ', and in this there is a sword carved Arabic inscription which reads:' The Prophet David AS, AS Solomon, Prophet Musa, Prophet Harun AS, Prophet Yusuf AS, Prophet Zakariya AS, Prophet Yahya AS , Prophet Isa AS, Prophet Muhammad SAW. 'Figure carved the names of the prophets in it:In it there is also a picture of David cut off the head of the U.S. as Goliath, people who have this sword in the beginning. In this sword there is also a writing identified as Nabataean writing.
Now the sword is in the Topkapi Museum, Istanbul. Shaped blade with a length of 101 cm. Rumored that this is the sword that the Prophet Isa AS will be used later when he came down to earth again to defeat the Antichrist.5. Sword Hatf
Hatf is a sword of the Prophet Muhammad as booty from the Banu Qaynaqa. It was narrated that the Prophet David AS took the sword 'Al Battar "from Goliath as booty when he defeated Goliath was at the age of 20 tahun.Allah Almighty to Prophet David gave the U.S. the ability to' work 'with iron, making armor, weapons and tools of war, and he also made his own gun. And Hatf is one made, like Al Battar but bigger than itu.Dia using this sword which is then stored by the tribe Levita (tribes keep weapons Israel stuff) and eventually got into the hands of the Prophet Muhammad. Now the sword is in Musemum Topkapi, Istanbul. Shaped blade with a length of 112 cm and a width of 8 cm.
6. Sword Al Mikhdham
There is news that the sword is from the Prophet Muhammad who was then given to Ali ibn Abi Talib and passed to his sons Ali. But there is another word that is derived from the sword of Ali ibn Abi Talib as captured in the raid he led on Syria.Sekarang sword is in the Topkapi Museum, Istanbul. Shaped blade with a length of 97 cm, and has carved Arabic writing that reads: 'Zayn al-Din al-Abidin'.7. Sword Al Rasub
Some say that the sword was kept at home by the family of the Prophet Muhammad and his relatives like the Ark (Ark) Israel.Sekarang stored by the sword is in the Topkapi Museum, Istanbul. Shaped blade with a length of 140 cm, has a gold circle in which there are carved Arabic inscription that reads: 'Ja'far al-Sadiq'.
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