Senin, 17 September 2012

Film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ yang Menghina Rasulullah dan Anti Islam Memicu protes berdarah

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Innocence of Muslims adalah film yang dibuat oleh Sam Bacille seorang kontraktor berdarah Yahudi yang tinggal di Amerika. Cerita tentang nabi Muhammad SAW yang kemudian memicu protes keras di Libya dan Mesir akhirnya memicu protes berdarah di sejumlah negara.
Film kontroversial ini dianggap kurang ajar karena mendiskreditkan sosok Nabi Muhammad. Hal itu membuat masyarakat muslim merasa dilecehkan dan marah.Di Benghazi, Libya, empat diplomat Amerika tewas mengenaskan karena kantornya diroket dan dibakar pada saat aksi unjuk rasa terkait film ini..
Gak tau apa yang ada di kepala orang – orang itu. Yang jelas terlihat adalah rasa kebencian mereka yang amat sangat akan islam. Bahkan Bacille mengatakan ” islam is a cancer “, yang berarti harus secepatnya dibinasakan dari tubuh. Film yang menggambarkan Nabi Muhammad penipu, suka meniduri perempuan, hidung belang yang suka melakukan pelecehan terhadap anak-anak. Naudzubillah…Namun, seburuk apapun gambaran orang (yang benci) tentang sosok Rasulullah SAW, itu tidak akan mengurangi kemuliaan beliau. Insya Allah…
Saya pribadi menganggap film itu sebagai film sampah yang tidak layak ditonton, dan tujuannya hanya untuk membuat umat Islam berbuat hal-hal yang diinginkan oleh si pembuat film. Akhirnya terbukti kan kalau mereka berhasil memancing kemarahan dan perbuatan anarkis sebagian umat Islam di dunia.
Diberitakan pula kalau para pemain di film tersebut sebenarnya tidak tahu menahu jikamereka memerankan film yang menunjukkan propaganda anti-Islam tersebut dengan menggambarkan nabi Muhammad sebagai seorang yang kejam. Mereka merasa ditipu oleh sutradara film tersebut. Mereka mengklaim semua referensi dan naskah yang disodorkan memiliki judul Laskar Desert.
Seorang aktris dari film tersebut, Cindy Lee Garcia, tak menyangka film yang dibintanginya, Innocence of Muslims, akan jadi seperti ini.”Ini membuatku gila,” ujarnya dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Gawker, Rabu, 12 September 2012. Dalam film itu, ia memainkan peran kecil sebagai wanita yang menyerahkan anaknya pada Nabi Muhammad untuk dinikahi. Padahal saat syuting film, bukan sosok Nabi Muhammad diketahuinya, tapi Master George. Nama Muhammad sendiri didubbing oleh sang sutradara pada proses pasca-produksi.
Film itu diluncurkan lewat Internet dan juga diunggah ke situs video terbesar saat ini milik Google, Youtube. Tapi Google tetap keukeuh kalau video tersebut tidak akan dihapus, hanya saja Google akan memblok video tersebut dari sejumlah negara yang dianggapnya radikal. Keputusan ini diambil sesuai garis panduan yang telah ditetapkan untuk situs Youtube.
Bagaimanapun janganlah kita sebagai muslim berbuat anarkis dan brutal seperti apa yang diharapkan oleh pembuat film tersebut. Benih dendam dan kebencian yang mereka tanam ternyata membuahkan hasil. Hanya disayangkan sampai terjadinya kematian Dubes AS untuk Libya saat demo terkait film tersebut. Sebenarnya islam sangat melarang keras seorang muslim untuk membunuh.

English Version

Innocence of Muslims is a movie made by a contractor Sam Bacille Jew living in America. The story of the Prophet Muhammad which sparked violent protests in Libya and Egypt eventually sparked bloody protests in several countries.

This controversial film is considered disrespectful to discredit the figure of the Prophet Muhammad. It made the Muslims feel humiliated and marah.Di Benghazi, Libya, four U.S. diplomats killed diroket and pathetic as his office burned down during protests related to this movie ..

I do not know what's in the heads of people - people. Obvious is their hatred extreme Islam. Even Bacille said "Islam is a cancer", which means it must be destroyed as soon as possible from the body. Film depicting the Prophet Muhammad trickster, likes to fuck women, masher who likes abusing children. Naudzubillah ... However, as bad as any image of a person (the hate) about the figure of the Prophet Muhammad, it would not diminish his glory. Insha Allah ...

I personally think the film as the film is not worth watching rubbish, and its purpose is only to make Muslims do things desired by the filmmaker. Eventually proved right when they managed to provoke anger and anarchist actions most Muslims in the world.

It was reported also that the players in the film actually did not know anything when they played the movie that shows anti-Islamic propaganda by portraying the prophet Muhammad as a ruthless. They feel cheated by the film's director. They claim all references and texts have posed Desert Warriors title.

An actress of the film, Cindy Lee Garcia, did not think the movie that starred, Innocence of Muslims, would be like this. "It drove me crazy," he said in an interview with Gawker, Wednesday, September 12, 2012. In the film, he played a small role as a woman who gave her in marriage to the Prophet Muhammad. And while filming the movie, not the figure of the Prophet Muhammad knew, but Master George. Name Muhammad himself didubbing by the director on the post-production process.

The film was released on the Internet as well as the largest video uploaded to the site now owned by Google, Youtube. But Google still keukeuh if the video is not deleted, just that it would block the video from a number of countries considered radical. This decision was taken according to the guidelines that have been established to the Youtube site.

After all do not we as Muslims do anarchists and brutal as what is expected by the filmmaker. Seeds of hatred and resentment they sow turned out fruitless. Just a pity until the death of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya as related demo movie. Actually, Islam strictly prohibits a Muslim hard to kill.

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