Kamis, 13 September 2012

Jenis - jenis Hantu

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Jin ialah sejenis makluk yang juga diciptakan oleh tuhan selain dari manusia. Jin juga mampu menukar rupa bentuk mereka kepada bentuk-bentuk lain dan menjadikan mereka terbahagikan kepada ketegori hantu yang berlainan jenis dan nama. Dikalangan masyarakat melayu juga mempunyai nama dan jenis-jenis hantu yang tersendiri. Antara jenis-jenis kelompok hantu-hantu ini adalah :-

1. Pontianak / Puntianak / kuntilanak - wanita berpakaian serba putih membalas dendam.

Puntianak atau lebih popular dieja sebagai pontianak, dipercayai oleh masyarakat Melayu bahawa ia berasal daripada perempuan yang mati ketika mengandungkan anaknya. Terdapat juga pendapat menyatakan bahawa ia merupakan jin (hantu) liar yang bertindak mengganggu manusia.

2. Langsuir - perempuan

Langsuir adalah sejenis makhluk halus penghisap darah dalam kepercayaan masyarakat Melayu. Langsuir dipercayai akan merasuk mangsa dan menghisap darah mangsa secara perlahan-lahan sehingga mati.

Terdapat sesetengah pendapat bahawa Langsuir berasal daripada wanita yang mati bersalin atau selepas itu.

Langsuir dipercayai mampu menyerupai seorang perempuan yang cantik dan mengoda lelaki agar mengikuti mereka ketempat sunyi. Apabila sampai ketempat yang sunyi, langsuir akan berubah kembali kepada rupa asal dan akan merobek perut mangsa atau mencekik leher mangsa dan menghisap darah mereka.

3. Toyol - hantu kanak-kanak bogel

Toyol merujuk kepada sejenis makhluk halus dalam kepercayaan Melayu, kemungkinannya dari golongan jin/syaitan, yang dipelihara bagi tujuan mencuri. Toyol ini dikatakan berbentuk kanak-kanak kecil dan turut mempunyai perangai seperti kanak-kanak kecil. Pemeliharaan makhluk halus ini dikenali sebagai saka.

4. Pelesit - boleh dipelihara

Pelesit merujuk kepada sejenis makhluk halus, kemungkinannya dari golongan jin/shaitan, yang dipelihara oleh seseorang, biasanya wanita, bagi tujuan memudaratkan musuh. Pemeliharaan makhluk halus ini dikenali sebagai saka. Hantu pelesit dipercayai diberi makan darah dari jari tangan tuannya.

Hantu pelesit dikatakan mampu menjelma sebagai sejenis belalang pelesit, belalang kecil yang mempunyai kepala berbentuk tajam dan tirus, dan masuk kerumah mangsa. Pelesit ini kemudiannya akan mengambil peluang untuk menyerang dan menghisap darah mangsa apabila mangsa leka.

5. Hantu air - dalam air

Hantu air (juga termasuk Hantu laut) merupakan sejenis makhluk halus digelar mambang atau jin yang terdapat di dalam kawasan berair. Makhluk ini dianggap agak keras dan mampu membahayakan mereka yang bertembung dengannya.

Kebiasaannya ia dikatakan terapung-apung seperti batang kayu buruk, tetapi mampu melumpuhkan mereka yang tersentuh dengannya.

Selain itu, ia dikatakan mampu menjelma untuk mengusik mereka yang berada di pinggir air.

Dipercayai bahawa hantu air berasal daripada ilmu dan makhluk halus yang dibuang, dihanyutkan melalui sungai mengalir ke laut dengan menggunakan acak.

Air laut yang berkilauan dikatakan menunjukkan kehadirannya. Bagi menggelakkan gangguan bagi para nelayan dari hantu air (laut), satu upacara yang dikenali sebagai semah laut akan diadakan setiap tahun. Upacara ini juga dikenali sebagai puja pantai / main pantai.

6. Hantu raya - boleh dipelihara

Hantu Raya dalam budaya Melayu, merujuk kepada sejenis makhluk halus dan perkara tahyul. Ia dikatakan terdiri daripada golongan jin atau syaitan, yang dipelihara bagi tujuan membantu tuannya melakukan kerja dan juga bagi memudaratkan musuh. Pemeliharaan makhluk halus ini dikenali sebagai saka.

Cara mengambilnya ialah: amik dekat pokok kelapa yg kena panah petir

Hantu Raya akan dikawal oleh pemiliknya yang boleh menyuruhnya melakukan apa-apa juga jenis kerja berat. Hantu Raya juga boleh disuruh oleh tuannya bagi merasuk seseorang. Hantu raya mempunyai keupayaan menjelma sebagai manusia biasa atau haiwan lain, dan biasanya Hantu Raya akan menjelma sebagai tuannya.

Hantu Raya yang dipelihara itu akan perlu diberi makan sebagaimana yang dipersetujui. Biasanya makanan yang disediakan dikenali sebagai acak / sajian termasuk telur, ayam panggang, pulut kuning dan sebagainya. Sekiranya tidak dijaga dengan baik dan diberi makan, Hantu Raya yang kelaparan itu akan menyerang tuannya.

Hantu Raya biasanya perlu diwarisi, dan sekiranya tidak diturunkan kepada waris, tuannya akan menjadi bangkai bernyawa. Tubuhnya mati dan berbau busuk, tetapi apabila hendak dikebumikan, ia akan bangkit seperti hidup. Selain itu, ia akan makan dengan lahapnya apabila diberi makan.

7. Hantu bungkus - makhluk ghaib yang dilihat berbungkus dalam kain kafan.

Hantu bungkus atau juga dikenali sebagai hantu punjut atau hantu pocong merujuk kepada sejenis makhluk yang berbentuk seperti mayat yang dibungkus dengan kain kafan.
Hantu bungkus sering dikatakan mengusik orang yang lemah semangat, dan akan bergerak dengan meloncat seperti hantu cina, atau bergolek. Ia dikatakan mampu bergerak sepantas kereta, bergerak seiring dengan kereta yang dipandu oleh mangsa usikan mereka.

8. Polong

Hantu Polong merujuk kepada semangat atau makhluk halus belaan yang dipelihara oleh seseorang, biasanya lelaki, bertujuan untuk tujuan memudaratkan musuh. Hantu polong dipercayai diberi makan darah dari jari tuannya.
Menurut kepercayaan orang Melayu, polong dihasilkan dengan meletak darah orang yang mati dibunuh kedalam botol bermulut panjang. Botol tersebut kemudiannya akan dipuja dan jampi serapah akan dibacakan dalam tempoh masa tertentu. Selepas tujuh hingga dua minggu akan kedengaran bunyi mengerit daripada dalam botol. Pemuja polong perlu menghiris sedikit jarinya dan memasukkan jarinya yang berdarah itu ke dalam botol untuk memberi polong makan. Dengan memberi makan, polong ini akan terikat kepada tuannya dan akan melakukan apa sahaja suruhan tuannya.
Polong biasanya akan disimpan di dalam botol dan hanya dikeluarkan apabila hendak memusnahkan musuh. Mangsa polong biasanya boleh dikenali dengan kesan lebam pada mayat dan darah keluar melalui mulut.

9. Bota - makhluk besar hodoh menjelma dari dalam tanah.

Hantu yang terkenal sehingga namanya digunakan sebagai nama sebua kampung. Mengikut kepercayaan penduduk tempatan Bota, nama kawasan ini diambil bersempena sejenis gergasi yang wujud di sini. Bota ialah sejenis gergasi besar yang hidup dalam tanah, menyembunyikan diri dalam gua di dalam tanah. Bota akan keluar daripada tempat persembunyian pada ketika-ketika tertentu sahaja dan amat meminati kanak-kanak yang tidak memakai seluar.
Kebanyakan masanya dihabiskan di dalam tanah dan jarang dilihat oleh manusia. Menurut nenek-nenek tua di kawasan ini, badan gergasi Bota ini menyerupai warna tanah itu sendiri terutama di kawasan berlumpur, di tepi rimbunan buluh kuning dan di tepian sawah padi di mana ikan puyu dan tilan biasa ditemui. Makanannya didapati di dalam tanah juga dan sesekali akan mencari makanan dalam bentuk daging manusia atau haiwan. Manusia dan haiwan bukanlah makanan kegemarannya kerana ia hanya keluar sesekali sahaja terutama pada rembang petang.

Gergasi Bota ini dikaitkan dengan kehilangan seseorang. Jika seseorang penduduk didapati hilang, mereka percaya Bota yang bertanggungjawab dan penduduk tersebut telah melanggar pantang 'kewujudan' Bota di sesuatu kawasan. Anehnya Bota ini tidak banyak tapi boleh berada di mana-mana sahaja terutama di kawasan Sungai Perak.

10. Bajang - makhluk aneh

Bajang merujuk kepada sejenis makhluk halus, kemungkinannya dari golongan jin/shaitan, yang dipelihara bagi tujuan memudaratkan musuh. Pemeliharaan makhluk halus ini dikenali sebagai saka.
Bajang merupakan makhluk setan yang dipuja daripada mayat bayi yang mati semasa lahir. Ia merupakan setan jantan yang sering kali menjelma sebagai kucing pole cat. Bajang seringkali menyerang kanak-kanak dan mampu menyebabkan penyakit misteri yang boleh membawa maut kepada mangsanya.

Bajang akan dikawal oleh pemiliknya dan akan disimpan di dalam tabung buluh. Sejenis daun khusus akan digunakan sebagai penyumbat tabungan tersebut dan dikunci dengan tangkal. Bajang hanya dikeluarkan apabila pemiliknya hendak mengenakan musuhnya.

Bajang yang dipelihara itu akan diberi makan telur dan juga susu. Sekiranya tidak dijaga dengan baik dan diberi makan, Bajang yang kelaparan itu akan menyerang tuannya.

Bajang boleh dihindari dengan menggunakan tangkal atau azimat. Tidak ada cara membunuh bajang tetapi biasanya sekiranya tuannya diketahui, dia akan dibunuh atau diusir dari kampung tersebut.

Bajang biasanya perlu diwarisi, dan sekiranya tidak diturunkan kepada waris, tuannya akan menjadi bangkai bernyawa. Tubuhnya mati dan berbau busuk, tetapi apabila hendak dikebumikan, ia akan bangkit seperti hidup. Selain itu, ia akan makan dengan lahapnya apabila diberi makan.

11. Bunian, Kerajaan dan keluarga Bunian.

Orang Bunian ialah sebarang makhluk halus dari golongan jin dalam legenda Melayu, mirip dengan elf dalam legenda Eropah.
Mereka dikatakan wujud dalam masyarakat besar, menyerupai struktur sosial manusia, mempunyai keluarga, puak, dan struktur masyarakat. Orang Bunian dikatakan mendiami kawasan hutan belantara, jauh dari perhubungan manusia, tetapi ada juga yang tinggal berdekatan dengan manusia malah berkongsi rumah dengan keluarga manusia. Sesetengah masalah kerasukan dikatakan berpunca dari orang bunian.

Orang bunian mempunyai kuasa luar biasa yang hebat, dan juga diketahui berkawan dan menolong manusia, terutamanya pawang atau bomoh. Orang bunian dikatakan menculik kanak-kanak, dan bayi didalam perut wanita dan ada dituduh menyebabkan manusia sesat di dalam hutan.

Semenjak orang bunian mirip dengan manusia (kecuali berasaskan fakta mereka biasanya ghaib atau halimunan) tidaklah dihiraukan untuk mereka berkahwin dengan manusia. Malah ada pendapat yang mengusulkan bahawa bunian ini adalah hasil gabungan hubungan manusia dan jin. Sekali seorang manusia telah pergi untuk tinggal dengan orang bunian, dia tidak boleh balik ke alam biasa, sebagaimana orang bunian hidup lebih lama daripada manusia. Terdapat cerita mengenai seorang lelaki yang mengahwini orang bunian, tetapi ingin mengembali ke keluarga mereka yang telah ditinggalkan, memutuskan untuk meninggalkan orang bunian. Waktu pulang mereka ke golongan manusia, mereka mendapati bahawa setiap orang yang mereka kenal telah meninggal dunia, dan beberapa tahun sudah berlalu. Cerita ini pernah disebutkan dalam cerita dongeng Amerika iaityu Rip Van Winkle. Perkara tersebut menyerupai teori kerelatifan masa.

Orang Bunian Sungai Tekali
Pada Julai 1998, satu tapak perkhemahan baru telah dibina di Kampung Sungai Tekali, daerah Hulu Langat, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tapak perkhemahan ini adalah milik Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Selangor . Perkhemahan yang pertama kali itu ialah Perkhemahan Unit Beruniform Peringkat Negeri Selangor.

Segelintir penduduk kampung percaya dan melihat 3 orang (?) bunian mandi dalam anak sungai di tapak itu. Seperti biasa majlis bacaan Yassin diadakan pada hari pertama perkhemahan. Pada malam 'Night Walk' yang dikendalikan oleh Askar Briged Tengah, dua orang peserta telah 'hilang' dan seperti kerasukan selama beberapa bulan. Kejadian ini dikaitkan dengan orang bunian. Kini tapak perkhemahan itu telah 'bersih' dan tidak lagi kedengaran cerita-cerita seumpama itu.

12. Hantu Jepun

Hantu Jepun merujuk kepada sebarang bayangan atau makhluk yang berpakaian seperti tentera Jepun. Selalunya ia dikaitkan dengan tempat-tempat di mana pernah dijadikan markas tentera semasa Perang Dunia II, semasa Jepun menawan Malaysia.
Tempat yang selalu selalu disebut-sebut sebagai kawasan yang dihantuinya adalah bangunan sekolah berasrama, pejabat kerajaan dan bangunan-bangunan penting yang ada semasa Perang Dunia II. Oleh itu, boleh dikatakan, hantu Jepun ini agak moden.

Selalunya ia dilihat sama ada bersenjatakan senapang atau pedang, tanpa berkepala atau kepalanya dipangku bersama-samanya.

Kadang kala, ia dikatakan berbaris lengkap bersenjata pada waktu malam (tanpa kepala), dengan bunyi derapan kasut but tentera.

Tidak pula diketahui sama ada hantu Jepun turut terdapat di negara-negara jajah takluk Jepun yang lain (selain Singapura).

13. Hantu bukit

Hantu bukit merujuk kepada sejenis makhluk yang berkeliaran dikawasan bukit. Hantu bukit sering dikatakan mengusik orang yang lemah semangat.

14. Hantu kubur

Hantu kubur merujuk kepada sejenis makhluk yang berkeliaran dikawasan perkuburan. Hantu kubur amat ditakuti dikalangan orang-orang asli kerana mampu menyebarkan penyakit. Ini adalah antara sebab orang asli berpindah randah sekiranya berlaku kematian. Malah ia ditakuti oleh puak asli Kubu (Indonesia) dan Jakun (Malaysia) walaupun mereka dipisahkan oleh selat Melaka. Sering dikatakan mengusik orang yang lemah semangat.

Cara mengambilnya ialah:tanah atau pacang kayu org mati kena bunuh/berdarah

15. Pari-pari

Pari-pari merujuk kepada sejenis makhluk halus dalam kepercayaan Melayu, kemungkinannya dari golongan jin/shaitan, yang terdapat dalam hutan. Pari-pari ini dikatakan mempunyai masyarat tersendiri dan boleh dikatakan menyerupai orang bunian. Pari-pari dikatakan tidak dipelihara oleh manusia dan dikatakan hidup bebas.

16. Hantu punjut

Hantu bungkus atau juga dikenali sebagai hantu punjut atau hantu pocong merujuk kepada sejenis makhluk yang berbentuk seperti mayat yang dibungkus dengan kain kafan.

Hantu bungkus sering dikatakan mengusik orang yang lemah semangat, dan akan bergerak dengan meloncat seperti hantu cina, atau bergolek. Ia dikatakan mampu bergerak sepantas kereta, bergerak seiring dengan kereta yang dipandu oleh mangsa usikan mereka.

17. Jerangkung

Jerangkung merujuk kepada sejenis makhluk halus dalam kepercayaan Melayu, kemungkinannya dari golongan jin/shaitan, yang dipelihara bagi tujuan menginiaya orang lain. Pemeliharaan makhluk halus seperti ini turut dikenali sebagai saka.

18. Hantu laut

Hantu air (juga termasuk Hantu laut) merupakan sejenis makhluk halus digelar mambang atau jin yang terdapat di dalam kawasan berair. Makhluk ini dianggap agak keras dan mampu membahayakan mereka yang bertembung dengannya.

Kebiasaannya ia dikatakan terapung-apung seperti batang kayu buruk, tetapi mampu melumpuhkan mereka yang tersentuh dengannya.

Selain itu, ia dikatakan mampu menjelma untuk mengusik mereka yang berada di pinggir air.

Dipercayai bahawa hantu air berasal daripada ilmu dan makhluk halus yang dibuang, dihanyutkan melalui sungai mengalir ke laut dengan menggunakan acak.

Air laut yang berkilauan dikatakan menunjukkan kehadirannya. Bagi menggelakkan gangguan bagi para nelayan dari hantu air (laut), satu upacara yang dikenali sebagai semah laut akan diadakan setiap tahun. Upacara ini juga dikenali sebagai puja pantai / main pantai.

19. Hantu galah

Hantu Galah merujuk kepada sejenis makhluk halus dalam kepercayaan Melayu, kemungkinannya dari golongan jin/shaitan.

Ia dikatakan berbentuk manusia tetapi bersaiz besar dan amat tinggi sehingga kepalanya dikatakan menyapu awan. Ia sering kali ditemui jauh di dalam hutan dan biasanya hanya kakinya yang kelihatan.

Mereka yang diusiknya dikatakan sering menyangka kakinya sebagai batang pokok. Kakinya dikatakan berbulu panjang dan hanya mangsa hanya terserempak pada waktu malam apabila sering bersandar atau memegang kakinya, atau ketika melalui celah kangkangnya.

Manusia yang bersahabat dengannya dikatakan boleh mencabut bulu betisnya yang akan dibakar untuk menyerunya apabila memerlukan pertolongannya.

20. Jin Tanah

Jin Tanah dalam budaya Melayu, merujuk kepada sejenis makhluk halus dan perkara tahyul. Ia dikatakan terdiri daripada golongan jin atau syaitan, yang dikatakan menjaga sesuatu kawasan (tanah).

Jin Tanah biasanya menjaga sesuatu kawasan tanah dan akan menganggu mereka yang membuka tanah baru untuk berhuma. Untuk mengelakkan gangguan Jin Tanah, biasanya upacara pembukaan tanah baru akan di adakan. Biasanya makanan yang disediakan dikenali sebagai acak / sajian termasuk telur, ayam panggang, pulut kuning dan sebagainya. Sekiranya tidak, Jin Tanah akan mengganggu mereka yang meneroka kawasan tanah baru tersebut.

21. Hantu Keramat

Hantu Keramat merujuk kepada semangat atau makhluk halus yang terdapat disuatu tempat tetapi tidak mengganggu orang.

22. Hantu Kum-Kum

Asal hantu kum-kum dikatakan bermula dengan seorang wanita yang mengamalkan ilmu mencantikkan muka. Tetapi salah satu pantangnya merupakan dia tidak boleh melihat cermin selama 10 hari / sesetengah cerita menyatakan sebulan.

Semenjak hari itu semua orang memuji-muji kejelitaan wanita itu dan menyebabkan dia tidak sabar dan melihat wajahnya di cermin pada hari terakhir. Akibatnya mukanya menjadi buruk, dan setelah dia menemui kembali gurunya, dia diberitahu bahawa mukanya hanya akan kembali cantik setelah dia menyapu mukanya dengan darah XX perawan.

Disebabkan itu wanita itu merayau-rayau mengetuk pintu rumah bagi mencari mangsa sambil menyatakan "Kum-Kum" sambil mengenakan jibab.

23. Hantu Bungkus

Hantu bungkus atau juga dikenali sebagai hantu punjut atau hantu pocong merujuk kepada sejenis makhluk yang berbentuk seperti mayat yang dibungkus dengan kain kafan.

Hantu bungkus sering dikatakan mengusik orang yang lemah semangat, dan akan bergerak dengan meloncat seperti hantu cina, atau bergolek. Ia dikatakan mampu bergerak sepantas kereta, bergerak seiring dengan kereta yang dipandu oleh mangsa usikan mereka.

24. Orang minyak

Orang minyak merujuk kepada seseorang yang menuntut ilmu batin bagi tujuan menceroboh masuk ke dalam rumah mangsa bagi tujuan mencuri/membuat onar.

Salah satu cerita mengatakan orang minyak ini telah tersalah menuntut, menyebabkan dia menjadi hitam dan hanya akan pulih selepas memperkosa 40 orang gadis. Mangsa akan menjadi terpukau dan ditanda dengan dipangkah pada mukanya selepas dinodai.

Kisah orang minyak ini amat popular sehinggakan ia dijadikan sebuah filem pada tahun 1958. Filem ini diterbitkan oleh Malay Film Productions Ltd dan diarahkan oleh P. Ramlee.

25. Puaka

Hantu Puaka merujuk kepada sejenis makhluk halus dalam kepercayaan Melayu, kemungkinannya dari golongan jin/syaitan, yang dikatakan sering berkeliaran bersama-sama cuaca buruk.

26. Penanggalan

Hantu Penanggalan atau juga dikenali sebagai hantu tengelong di negeri Kedah merujuk kepada seseorang, biasanya wanita, yang menuntut ilmu hitam bagi sesuatu kepentingan. Mereka yang menuntut ilmu ini mampu menceraikan kepala dengan badan mereka dan kepala mereka mampu terbang dengan tali perut terurai-urai. Darah yang menitik dari tali perut mereka dipercayai berbisa dan akan menyebabkan kudis kepada mereka yang terkena. Mereka yang menuntut ilmu penangalan biasanya akan menyimpan setempayan cuka bagi memeram urat perut mereka agar kecut sebelum bercantum masuk kembali kedalam badan asal mereka. Dipercayai sekiranya tubuh mereka dijumpai orang dan diterbalikkan, kepala mereka akan bercantum secara terbalik, dengan itu rahsia mereka akan terbongkar.

Penangalan dipercayai suka darah perempuan yang bersalin, dan sekiranya mereka menghisap darah tersebut, wanita bersalin itu akan mati akibat tumpah darah. Oleh itu, biasanya disekeliling rumah wanita bersalin (masa dahulu, rumah dibina bertiang), diletakkan sejenis daun yang berduri. Dipercayai penanggalan takut hendak mendekati rumah tersebut kerana bimbangkan tali perutnya tersangkut kepada duri tersebut.

Ketika penanggalan terbang, ia dipercayai berupa cahaya putih berkilauan, dari urat perut mereka yang terburai itu.

27. Pocong

Hantu bungkus atau juga dikenali sebagai hantu punjut atau hantu pocong merujuk kepada sejenis makhluk yang berbentuk seperti mayat yang dibungkus dengan kain kafan.

Hantu bungkus sering dikatakan mengusik orang yang lemah semangat, dan akan bergerak dengan meloncat seperti hantu cina, atau bergolek. Ia dikatakan mampu bergerak sepantas kereta, bergerak seiring dengan kereta yang dipandu oleh mangsa usikan mereka.

28. Hantu bidai

Hantu Bidai atau juga dikenali sebagai hantu balong bidai merujuk kepada sejenis makhluk halus dalam kepercayaan Melayu, kemungkinannya dari golongan jin/shaitan, yang suka menganggu manusia. Kononnya hantu bidai merupakan semangat jahat yang tinggal dalam air. Hantu bidai mampu menyerupai tikar, dan akan menggulung dan melemaskan mangsa.

29. Hantu kopek

Hantu Kopek merujuk kepada sejenis makhluk halus dalam kepercayaan Melayu, kemungkinannya dari golongan jin/shaitan, yang suka menganggu manusia. Kononnya hantu kopek berbentuk seorang wanita yang tua yang suka menyorokkan kanak-kanak kecil yang suka bermain-main di luar rumah semasa waktu maghrib, dengan cara menyembunyikan mereka dengan kopek (buah dada) mereka.

30. Hantu Tetek

Hantu Kopek merujuk kepada sejenis makhluk halus dalam kepercayaan Melayu, kemungkinannya dari golongan jin/shaitan, yang suka menganggu manusia. Kononnya hantu kopek berbentuk seorang wanita yang tua yang suka menyorokkan kanak-kanak kecil yang suka bermain-main di luar rumah semasa waktu maghrib, dengan cara menyembunyikan mereka dengan kopek (buah dada) mereka.

31. Harimau jadian

Harimau jadian dalam budaya Melayu, merujuk kepada sejenis ilmu yang membolehkan penuntutnya bertukar menjadi harimau apabila dikehendaki. Ia dikatakan dibantu oleh golongan jin atau syaitan, yang dipelihara bagi tujuan membantu tuannya mempertahankan diri dan juga bagi memudaratkan musuh.

Harimau jadian biasanya perlu dibuang sebelum meninggal, dan sekiranya tidak dibuangkan, penuntut ilmu itu akan sukar meninggal dunia.

32. Jembalang tanah

Jembalang tanah merujuk kepada semangat atau makhluk halus yang terdapat dikawasan hutan dara. Jembalang tanah dikatakan berasal daripada urin atau tali pusat bayi yang ditanam di kawasan hutan.

33. Hantu tengelong

Hantu Penanggalan atau juga dikenali sebagai hantu tengelong di negeri Kedah merujuk kepada seseorang, biasanya wanita, yang menuntut ilmu hitam bagi sesuatu kepentingan. Mereka yang menuntut ilmu ini mampu menceraikan kepala dengan badan mereka dan kepala mereka mampu terbang dengan tali perut terurai-urai. Darah yang menitik dari tali perut mereka dipercayai berbisa dan akan menyebabkan kudis kepada mereka yang terkena. Mereka yang menuntut ilmu penangalan biasanya akan menyimpan setempayan cuka bagi memeram urat perut mereka agar kecut sebelum bercantum masuk kembali kedalam badan asal mereka. Dipercayai sekiranya tubuh mereka dijumpai orang dan diterbalikkan, kepala mereka akan bercantum secara terbalik, dengan itu rahsia mereka akan terbongkar.

Penangalan dipercayai suka darah perempuan yang bersalin, dan sekiranya mereka menghisap darah tersebut, wanita bersalin itu akan mati akibat tumpah darah. Oleh itu, biasanya disekeliling rumah wanita bersalin (masa dahulu, rumah dibina bertiang), diletakkan sejenis daun yang berduri. Dipercayai penanggalan takut hendak mendekati rumah tersebut kerana bimbangkan tali perutnya tersangkut kepada duri tersebut.

Ketika penanggalan terbang, ia dipercayai berupa cahaya putih berkilauan, dari urat perut mereka yang terburai itu.

English Version

Jin is also a kind of beings created by God but from man. Jin also able to swap their way to shape other forms and make them terbahagikan the ghost categories and names of different types. Among Malay communities also have names and types of its own ghost. Among the types of ghosts are: -
1. Pontianak / Puntianak / kuntilanak - women dressed in white revenge.
Puntianak or more popularly spelled as Pontianak, believed that free Malay society it belongs rather than render pregnant woman who died when her son. There is also the opinion that free states it is the jinn (ghosts) annoying people acting wild.
2. Langsuir - female
Langsuir is a kind of blood-sucking ghost in Malay public confidence. Langsuir believed to be pervasive prey and suck the blood of their prey slowly to death.
There is the opinion that free Langsuir sesetengah than women die from childbirth or after it.
Langsuir believed to resemble a woman who is beautiful and tempting men to follow them to the place deserted. If until the place deserted, langsuir will change back to the original appearance and be ripped stomach strangling prey or prey and suck their blood.
3. Toyol - ghost of childhood Bogel
Toyol refers to a kind of ghost in Malay beliefs, the likelihood of class jin / devil, which is maintained for the purpose of stealing. Toyol is said to form a small child and have helped temper like a small child. Maintenance of these delicate creatures known as saka.
4. Pelesit - be maintained
Pelesit refers to a type of supernatural being, likely from among the Jinn / Shaitan, which is maintained by a person, usually a woman, for the purposes memudaratkan enemy. Maintenance of these delicate creatures known as saka. Pelesit ghost is believed to be fed blood from his master fingers.
Pelesit ghost is said to manifest as a kind of grasshopper pelesit, little grasshoppers have sharp shaped head and gaunt, and go home prey. This Pelesit later would take the opportunity to attack and suck the blood of their prey when prey careless.
5. Ghost of water - the water
Ghost of water (also including marine Ghosts) is a kind of supernatural being held haunter or genie contained in the aqueous region. These creatures are considered somewhat hard and able to harm those who bertembung him.
Habit he said floating logs as bad, but they were able to knock him untouched.
In addition, he is said to incarnate to harass those who are on the edge of the water.
Believed that free water comes ghosts and spirits sciences rather than discarded, washed away by a river flowing into the sea by using random.
Sparkling sea water is said to indicate its presence. For menggelakkan nuisance to fishermen of ghost water (sea), a ceremony known as sea semah will be held every year. This ceremony is also known as a puja beach / main beach.
6. Ghost highway - should be maintained
Ghost Kingdom in Malay culture, referring to a type of spirit and matter superstition. He said rather than groups composed jinn or devils, kept for the purpose of helping his master does work well for memudaratkan enemy. Maintenance of these delicate creatures known as saka.
How to take it is: amice near palm staple apt lightning arrows

Ghost Kingdom will be escorted by their owners who told him to do anything too strenuous type of work. Ghost Kingdom also be ordered by his master to possess someone. Ghost keupayaan highway has incarnated as human beings or other Haiwan, and usually Ghost Kingdom will manifest as master.
Ghost Kingdom maintained it will need to be fed as a dipersetujui. Usually the meals provided are recognized as random / offerings include eggs, grilled chicken, sticky rice yellow and so on. If it were not maintained properly and fed, Hantu Raya famine will strike his master.
Ghost Kingdom usually have inherited, and if only not handed down to heirs, his master would be a lifeless corpse. His body was dead and stinking, but when about to be buried, it will rise as life. In addition, he will eat greedily when fed.
7. Ghost wrap - supernatural beings were seen wrapped in a shroud.
Ghost wrap or also known as the ghost or ghosts punjut pocong refers to a type of creature shaped like a corpse wrapped in a shroud.Ghosts are said to harass wrap the weak spirit, and will move by leaping like a ghost china, or bergolek. He was said to be able to move as appropriate train, moving along with the train that is guided by their perturbed prey.
8. Pod
Ghost Pods refer to the spirit or spirits defense kept by a person, usually a man, aiming for goals memudaratkan enemy. Ghost pods is believed to be fed blood from a finger master.According to the beliefs of the Malays, placed pods produced by the blood of the dead were killed in the bottle long mouthed. The bottle will later be revered oaths and incantations recited in the entire period specified period. After seven to two weeks will be heard the sound mengerit rather than in bottles. Devotees pods need menghiris little finger and put a bloody finger into the bottle to give peas a meal. By feeding, these pods will be bound to his master and will do what his master telling sake only.Pods usually be kept in the bottle and only removed when about to destroy the enemy. Prey pods usually be identified with the impression bruises on the body and the blood out through the mouth.

9. Bota - a large creature hodoh transformed from the ground.
The famous ghost that his name is used as the name of a multilayered hometown. Following the belief Tempatan Bota, the name is taken bersempena that form a kind of ogre here. Bota is a kind of big ogre who lives in the soil, hid himself in a cave in the ground. Bota will come out instead of hiding in the when-when certain other features and is very interested in the child who does not wear pants.Most of his time is spent in the soil and are rarely seen by humans. According to old granny in the region, the agency's giant Bota color resembles the land itself, especially in the muddy, yellow reeds at the edge of a hedge and on the banks of the rice fields where the fish puyu and tilan commonly encountered. The food found in the soil as well and will occasionally forage in the form of human flesh or Haiwan. Man and his favorite food kerana Haiwan not he just come out occasionally other features especially in the evening twilight.
Bota ogre is associated with the loss of someone close. If someone found the missing, they believe responsible Bota and residents are breaking abstinence 'kewujudan' Bota in the region something. Surprisingly Bota is not much but should be everywhere our other features especially in the Perak River.
10. Bajang - strange creatures
Bajang refers to a type of supernatural being, likely from among the Jinn / Shaitan, which is maintained for the purpose memudaratkan enemy. Maintenance of these delicate creatures known as saka.Bajang a demonic creature that is worshiped instead of dead babies die during birth. He is a male demon that often manifests as a cat pole cat. Bajang often attacking childhood mystery and capable of causing disease that may be fatal to the prey.
Bajang be escorted by their owners and will be stored in a reed tube. Some kind of special leaves to be used as a cap savings and locked to desist. Bajang issued only if the owners want to wear the enemy.
Bajang maintained it will be fed eggs and milk. If it were not maintained properly and fed, starving Bajang it will attack its master.
Bajang be avoided by using a talisman or amulet. There is no way to kill bajang but usually if only master mind, he will be killed or driven out of the village.
Bajang usually need to be inherited, and if only not handed down to heirs, his master would be a lifeless corpse. His body was dead and stinking, but when about to be buried, it will rise as life. In addition, he will eat greedily when fed.
11. Bunian, Bunian kingdom and family.
Bunian is any person from among the jinn ghost in Malay legend, a legend similar to the elves in Europe.They are said to be in the form of large, resembling the structure of social life, have a family, tribe, and community structure. People say Bunian inhabit the wilderness, far from the nexus of human beings, but there are also people who live adjacent to the house even teamed up with the human family. Sesetengah problem berpunca possession of the Bunian said.
People have tremendous power Bunian great, and is also known to be friendly and help people, especially the handler or bomoh. People say Bunian kidnap a child, and the baby in the stomach of a woman was accused of causing human and err on the forest.
Since the Bunian similar to humans (except for the fact they are usually unseen ° Based or halimunan) is not ignored for their berkahwin with humans. In fact there is an argument that proposes that free Bunian is the combined result of human relationships and the jinn. Once a man has gone to live with the Bunian, he should not return to nature, as people Bunian live longer than men. There is a story about a man who mengahwini Bunian people, but want mengembali to their families who have been left behind, decided to leave the Bunian. When they return to the human race, they found that free everyone they knew had died, and some years have passed. The story is never mentioned in the American fairy tale iaityu Rip Van Winkle. The case resembles the theory of relativity of time.
People Bunian Tekali RiverIn Julai 1998, a new site has been scouted perkhemahan in Kampung Tekali River, the area Hulu Langat, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Perkhemahan site is owned by the State Selangor Occupation lesson. Perkhemahan the first time it is Perkhemahan Beruniform Unit Rating Selangor State.
Few villagers believed and saw 3 people (?) Bunian children bathing in the river at that site. As usual Yassin reading majlis held on the first day perkhemahan. On the eve of 'Night Walk' which is controlled by the Central Briged Askar, two participants had been 'lost' and the like trance for several months. This event is associated with the Bunian. Now tread perkhemahan have 'clean' and no longer sounding stories is like that.
12. Ghost Jepun
Jepun refers to any ghost or a shadow creature dressed as Tentera Jepun. Selalunya he was associated with the places where it has been used as the headquarters of Tentera during World War II, during Jepun charming Malaysia.The place always has always been touted as dihantuinya region is building a boarding school, royal officials and important buildings there during World War II. Thus, it may be said, is rather moden Jepun ghost.
Selalunya he was seen at wielding guns or swords, without head or head rests with him.
Sometimes, he said to a complete line up armed at night (without heads), with the sound of galloping shoes but Tentera.
Nor same note there are no ghosts Jepun participated in the countries under its domination submission Jepun else (other than Singapore).
13. Ghost hill
Ghost Hill refers to a type of creature that roamed the hills region. Ghosts are said to disturb the hills of the weak spirit.
14. Ghost grave
Ghost grave refers to a type of creature that roamed the region graveyard. Ghosts very grave fears among native people kerana capable of spreading the disease. It is between the original cause if only valid move randah death. In fact he was feared by the native tribe Kubu (Indonesia) and the Adam's apple (Malaysia) even though they are separated by the Strait Melaka. Often said to harass the weak of spirit.
How to take are: soil or wood pacang died by suicide org / dengue

15. Pari-pari
Pari-pari refers to a kind of ghost in Malay beliefs, the likelihood of class Jinn / Shaitan, which is found in the forest. Pari-pari is said to have its own masyarat and may be said to resemble the Bunian. Pari-pari said to be reared by humans and is said to live freely.
16. Ghost punjut
Ghost wrap or also known as the ghost or ghosts punjut pocong refers to a type of creature shaped like a corpse wrapped in a shroud.
Ghosts are said to harass wrap the weak spirit, and will move by leaping like a ghost china, or bergolek. He was said to be able to move as appropriate train, moving along with the train that is guided by their perturbed prey.
17. Jerangkung
Jerangkung refers to a kind of ghost in Malay beliefs, the likelihood of class Jinn / Shaitan, which is maintained for the purpose menginiaya others. Maintenance of such spirits helped recognizable as saka.
18. The sea ghost
Ghost of water (also including marine Ghosts) is a kind of supernatural being held haunter or genie contained in the aqueous region. These creatures are considered somewhat hard and able to harm those who bertembung him.
Habit he said floating logs as bad, but they were able to knock him untouched.
In addition, he is said to incarnate to harass those who are on the edge of the water.
Believed that free water comes ghosts and spirits sciences rather than discarded, washed away by a river flowing into the sea by using random.
Sparkling sea water is said to indicate its presence. For menggelakkan nuisance to fishermen of ghost water (sea), a ceremony known as sea semah will be held every year. This ceremony is also known as a puja beach / main beach.
19. Ghost gaff
Galah ghost refers to a kind of ghost in Malay beliefs, the likelihood of class jin / shaitan.
He said the human form but bersaiz large and is so large that its head is said to sweep the clouds. He often found deep in the forest and usually only legs visible.
They often think that diusiknya said staple legs as stems. Her legs were long and simply say furry prey terserempak only at night when the legs are lean or hold, or when through a gap kangkangnya.
Humans are said to be friends with him plucking his calf that will be burned to menyerunya if need help.
20. Jin Land
Jin Land in Malay culture, referring to a type of spirit and matter superstition. He said rather than groups composed jin or devil, who is said to keep something the (ground).
Jin Land usually keep anything will disturb the soil and they are opening new land for berhuma. To circumvent Jin Soil disturbance, usually the opening ceremony of the new land will be held. Usually the meals provided are recognized as random / offerings include eggs, grilled chicken, sticky rice yellow and so on. If it were not, the soil will interfere Jin meneroka their new land area.
21. Ghost Keramat
Sacred refers to the spirit of ghosts or spirits contained somewhere but did not disturb anyone.
22. Hantu Kum-Kum
Originally ghost kum-kum say began with a woman who practiced the science mencantikkan advance. But one pantangnya is he should not be looking in the mirror for 10 days / month sesetengah story stated.
Since those early days everyone was praising her loveliness and caused him impatient and saw her face in the mirror on the last day. As a result, his face becomes worse, and after returning he met his teacher, he was told that free pretty face will only return after he swept his face with the blood of virgins XX.
It caused the woman wandered off-rayau knocked on the door to find prey while claiming "Kum-Kum" while wearing jibab.
23. Ghost Wrap
Ghost wrap or also known as the ghost or ghosts punjut pocong refers to a type of creature shaped like a corpse wrapped in a shroud.
Ghosts are said to harass wrap the weak spirit, and will move by leaping like a ghost china, or bergolek. He was said to be able to move as appropriate train, moving along with the train that is guided by their perturbed prey.
24. People oil
People oil refers to a person who for the purpose of studying the inner menceroboh prey into the house for the purpose of stealing / making a scene.
One story says the oil has been demanded miss the mark, causing him to black and will only recover after raping 40 girls. Prey will be impressed and signed by dipangkah on his face after tainted.
The story of the oil is very popular sehinggakan he made a film in 1958. Film is published by Malay Film Productions Ltd. and directed by P. Ramlee.
25. Gnome
Gnome ghost refers to a kind of ghost in Malay beliefs, the likelihood of class Jinn / Satan, who is said to often roam together bad weather.
26. Calendar
Ghost calendar or also known as the ghost tengelong in Kedah state refers to a person, usually a woman, who demanded black magic for something of interest. Those who are able to divorce their studies with their agency heads and their heads are able to fly with a belly strap decomposed decomposition. The blood dripping from their belly strap believed poisonous and will cause the mange to those affected. Those studying penangalan will usually save setempayan vinegar to brood them so sour stomach veins before bercantum get back into their original bodies. Believed if only they found the bodies and diterbalikkan, their heads will bercantum in reverse, with that Rahsia they will be discovered.
Penangalan believed to prefer the blood of women who labor, and in case they suck the blood, that laboring women will die from the blood spilled. By then, usually around the house laboring women (the first, the home fostered Poster), placed a kind of prickly leaves. Believed dating was about to approach the house scared his deep belly strap bimbangkan thorns stuck to it.
When the calendar fly, he believed such a brilliant white light, from their abdominal veins spilled it.
27. Pocong
Ghost wrap or also known as the ghost or ghosts punjut pocong refers to a type of creature shaped like a corpse wrapped in a shroud.
Ghosts are said to harass wrap the weak spirit, and will move by leaping like a ghost china, or bergolek. He was said to be able to move as appropriate train, moving along with the train that is guided by their perturbed prey.
28. Ghost splint
Ghost splints or also known as the ghost mudhole splints refer to a kind of ghost in Malay beliefs, the likelihood of class Jinn / Shaitan, who like to disturb people. Kononnya splint ghost is the spirit of evil that live in water. Ghost was able to resemble mats splint, and it will roll up and relaxes prey.
29. Ghost kopek
Kopeks ghost refers to a kind of ghost in Malay beliefs, the likelihood of class Jinn / Shaitan, who like to disturb people. Kononnya ghost shaped teat an elderly woman who likes menyorokkan small children who like to play around outside the home during the time of maghrib, by hiding them with kopeks (breasts) them.
30. Ghost Tetek
Kopeks ghost refers to a kind of ghost in Malay beliefs, the likelihood of class Jinn / Shaitan, who like to disturb people. Kononnya ghost shaped teat an elderly woman who likes menyorokkan small children who like to play around outside the home during the time of maghrib, by hiding them with kopeks (breasts) them.
31. Tigers invented
Tigers invented the Malay culture, referring to a type of science that allow persecutors swapped into a tiger if desired. He is said to be assisted by a group of jinns or devils, kept for the purpose of helping his master to defend themselves and also for memudaratkan enemy.
Tigers invented typically need to be removed before he died, and if only not dibuangkan, the prosecution would be difficult science died.
32. Gnome soil
Gnome land refers to the spirit or spirits that are virgin forest region. Gnome said to derive soil than urine or baby's cord grown in forest areas.
33. Ghost tengelong
Ghost calendar or also known as the ghost tengelong in Kedah state refers to a person, usually a woman, who demanded black magic for something of interest. Those who are able to divorce their studies with their agency heads and their heads are able to fly with a belly strap decomposed decomposition. The blood dripping from their belly strap believed poisonous and will cause the mange to those affected. Those studying penangalan will usually save setempayan vinegar to brood them so sour stomach veins before bercantum get back into their original bodies. Believed if only they found the bodies and diterbalikkan, their heads will bercantum in reverse, with that Rahsia they will be discovered.
Penangalan believed to prefer the blood of women who labor, and in case they suck the blood, that laboring women will die from the blood spilled. By then, usually around the house laboring women (the first, the home fostered Poster), placed a kind of prickly leaves. Believed dating was about to approach the house scared his deep belly strap bimbangkan thorns stuck to it.
When the calendar fly, he believed such a brilliant white light, from their abdominal veins spilled it.kluk which was also created by God but from man. Jin also able to swap their way to shape other forms and make them terbahagikan the ghost categories and names of different types. Among Malay communities also have names and types of its own ghost. Among the types of ghosts are: -
1. Pontianak / Puntianak / kuntilanak - women dressed in white revenge.
Puntianak or more popularly spelled as Pontianak, believed that free Malay society it belongs rather than render pregnant woman who died when her son. There is also the opinion that free states it is the jinn (ghosts) annoying people acting wild.
2. Langsuir - female
Langsuir is a kind of blood-sucking ghost in Malay public confidence. Langsuir believed to be pervasive prey and suck the blood of their prey slowly to death.
There is the opinion that free Langsuir sesetengah than women die from childbirth or after it.
Langsuir believed to resemble a woman who is beautiful and tempting men to follow them to the place deserted. If until the place deserted, langsuir will change back to the original appearance and be ripped stomach strangling prey or prey and suck their blood.
3. Toyol - ghost of childhood Bogel
Toyol refers to a kind of ghost in Malay beliefs, the likelihood of class jin / devil, which is maintained for the purpose of stealing. Toyol is said to form a small child and have helped temper like a small child. Maintenance of these delicate creatures known as saka.
4. Pelesit - be maintained
Pelesit refers to a type of supernatural being, likely from among the Jinn / Shaitan, which is maintained by a person, usually a woman, for the purposes memudaratkan enemy. Maintenance of these delicate creatures known as saka. Pelesit ghost is believed to be fed blood from his master fingers.
Pelesit ghost is said to manifest as a kind of grasshopper pelesit, little grasshoppers have sharp shaped head and gaunt, and go home prey. This Pelesit later would take the opportunity to attack and suck the blood of their prey when prey careless.
5. Ghost of water - the water
Ghost of water (also including marine Ghosts) is a kind of supernatural being held haunter or genie contained in the aqueous region. These creatures are considered somewhat hard and able to harm those who bertembung him.
Habit he said floating logs as bad, but they were able to knock him untouched.
In addition, he is said to incarnate to harass those who are on the edge of the water.
Believed that free water comes ghosts and spirits sciences rather than discarded, washed away by a river flowing into the sea by using random.
Sparkling sea water is said to indicate its presence. For menggelakkan nuisance to fishermen of ghost water (sea), a ceremony known as sea semah will be held every year. This ceremony is also known as a puja beach / main beach.
6. Ghost highway - should be maintained
Ghost Kingdom in Malay culture, referring to a type of spirit and matter superstition. He said rather than groups composed jinn or devils, kept for the purpose of helping his master does work well for memudaratkan enemy. Maintenance of these delicate creatures known as saka.
How to take it is: amice near palm staple apt lightning arrows

Ghost Kingdom will be escorted by their owners who told him to do anything too strenuous type of work. Ghost Kingdom also be ordered by his master to possess someone. Ghost keupayaan highway has incarnated as human beings or other Haiwan, and usually Ghost Kingdom will manifest as master.
Ghost Kingdom maintained it will need to be fed as a dipersetujui. Usually the meals provided are recognized as random / offerings include eggs, grilled chicken, sticky rice yellow and so on. If it were not maintained properly and fed, Hantu Raya famine will strike his master.
Ghost Kingdom usually have inherited, and if only not handed down to heirs, his master would be a lifeless corpse. His body was dead and stinking, but when about to be buried, it will rise as life. In addition, he will eat greedily when fed.
7. Ghost wrap - supernatural beings were seen wrapped in a shroud.
Ghost wrap or also known as the ghost or ghosts punjut pocong refers to a type of creature shaped like a corpse wrapped in a shroud.Ghosts are said to harass wrap the weak spirit, and will move by leaping like a ghost china, or bergolek. He was said to be able to move as appropriate train, moving along with the train that is guided by their perturbed prey.
8. Pod
Ghost Pods refer to the spirit or spirits defense kept by a person, usually a man, aiming for goals memudaratkan enemy. Ghost pods is believed to be fed blood from a finger master.According to the beliefs of the Malays, placed pods produced by the blood of the dead were killed in the bottle long mouthed. The bottle will later be revered oaths and incantations recited in the entire period specified period. After seven to two weeks will be heard the sound mengerit rather than in bottles. Devotees pods need menghiris little finger and put a bloody finger into the bottle to give peas a meal. By feeding, these pods will be bound to his master and will do what his master telling sake only.Pods usually be kept in the bottle and only removed when about to destroy the enemy. Prey pods usually be identified with the impression bruises on the body and the blood out through the mouth.

9. Bota - a large creature hodoh transformed from the ground.
The famous ghost that his name is used as the name of a multilayered hometown. Following the belief Tempatan Bota, the name is taken bersempena that form a kind of ogre here. Bota is a kind of big ogre who lives in the soil, hid himself in a cave in the ground. Bota will come out instead of hiding in the when-when certain other features and is very interested in the child who does not wear pants.Most of his time is spent in the soil and are rarely seen by humans. According to old granny in the region, the agency's giant Bota color resembles the land itself, especially in the muddy, yellow reeds at the edge of a hedge and on the banks of the rice fields where the fish puyu and tilan commonly encountered. The food found in the soil as well and will occasionally forage in the form of human flesh or Haiwan. Man and his favorite food kerana Haiwan not he just come out occasionally other features especially in the evening twilight.
Bota ogre is associated with the loss of someone close. If someone found the missing, they believe responsible Bota and residents are breaking abstinence 'kewujudan' Bota in the region something. Surprisingly Bota is not much but should be everywhere our other features especially in the Perak River.
10. Bajang - strange creatures
Bajang refers to a type of supernatural being, likely from among the Jinn / Shaitan, which is maintained for the purpose memudaratkan enemy. Maintenance of these delicate creatures known as saka.Bajang a demonic creature that is worshiped instead of dead babies die during birth. He is a male demon that often manifests as a cat pole cat. Bajang often attacking childhood mystery and capable of causing disease that may be fatal to the prey.
Bajang be escorted by their owners and will be stored in a reed tube. Some kind of special leaves to be used as a cap savings and locked to desist. Bajang issued only if the owners want to wear the enemy.
Bajang maintained it will be fed eggs and milk. If it were not maintained properly and fed, starving Bajang it will attack its master.
Bajang be avoided by using a talisman or amulet. There is no way to kill bajang but usually if only master mind, he will be killed or driven out of the village.
Bajang usually need to be inherited, and if only not handed down to heirs, his master would be a lifeless corpse. His body was dead and stinking, but when about to be buried, it will rise as life. In addition, he will eat greedily when fed.
11. Bunian, Bunian kingdom and family.
Bunian is any person from among the jinn ghost in Malay legend, a legend similar to the elves in Europe.They are said to be in the form of large, resembling the structure of social life, have a family, tribe, and community structure. People say Bunian inhabit the wilderness, far from the nexus of human beings, but there are also people who live adjacent to the house even teamed up with the human family. Sesetengah problem berpunca possession of the Bunian said.
People have tremendous power Bunian great, and is also known to be friendly and help people, especially the handler or bomoh. People say Bunian kidnap a child, and the baby in the stomach of a woman was accused of causing human and err on the forest.
Since the Bunian similar to humans (except for the fact they are usually unseen ° Based or halimunan) is not ignored for their berkahwin with humans. In fact there is an argument that proposes that free Bunian is the combined result of human relationships and the jinn. Once a man has gone to live with the Bunian, he should not return to nature, as people Bunian live longer than men. There is a story about a man who mengahwini Bunian people, but want mengembali to their families who have been left behind, decided to leave the Bunian. When they return to the human race, they found that free everyone they knew had died, and some years have passed. The story is never mentioned in the American fairy tale iaityu Rip Van Winkle. The case resembles the theory of relativity of time.
People Bunian Tekali RiverIn Julai 1998, a new site has been scouted perkhemahan in Kampung Tekali River, the area Hulu Langat, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Perkhemahan site is owned by the State Selangor Occupation lesson. Perkhemahan the first time it is Perkhemahan Beruniform Unit Rating Selangor State.
Few villagers believed and saw 3 people (?) Bunian children bathing in the river at that site. As usual Yassin reading majlis held on the first day perkhemahan. On the eve of 'Night Walk' which is controlled by the Central Briged Askar, two participants had been 'lost' and the like trance for several months. This event is associated with the Bunian. Now tread perkhemahan have 'clean' and no longer sounding stories is like that.
12. Ghost Jepun
Jepun refers to any ghost or a shadow creature dressed as Tentera Jepun. Selalunya he was associated with the places where it has been used as the headquarters of Tentera during World War II, during Jepun charming Malaysia.The place always has always been touted as dihantuinya region is building a boarding school, royal officials and important buildings there during World War II. Thus, it may be said, is rather moden Jepun ghost.
Selalunya he was seen at wielding guns or swords, without head or head rests with him.
Sometimes, he said to a complete line up armed at night (without heads), with the sound of galloping shoes but Tentera.
Nor same note there are no ghosts Jepun participated in the countries under its domination submission Jepun else (other than Singapore).
13. Ghost hill
Ghost Hill refers to a type of creature that roamed the hills region. Ghosts are said to disturb the hills of the weak spirit.
14. Ghost grave
Ghost grave refers to a type of creature that roamed the region graveyard. Ghosts very grave fears among native people kerana capable of spreading the disease. It is between the original cause if only valid move randah death. In fact he was feared by the native tribe Kubu (Indonesia) and the Adam's apple (Malaysia) even though they are separated by the Strait Melaka. Often said to harass the weak of spirit.
How to take are: soil or wood pacang died by suicide org / dengue

15. Pari-pari
Pari-pari refers to a kind of ghost in Malay beliefs, the likelihood of class Jinn / Shaitan, which is found in the forest. Pari-pari is said to have its own masyarat and may be said to resemble the Bunian. Pari-pari said to be reared by humans and is said to live freely.
16. Ghost punjut
Ghost wrap or also known as the ghost or ghosts punjut pocong refers to a type of creature shaped like a corpse wrapped in a shroud.
Ghosts are said to harass wrap the weak spirit, and will move by leaping like a ghost china, or bergolek. He was said to be able to move as appropriate train, moving along with the train that is guided by their perturbed prey.
17. Jerangkung
Jerangkung refers to a kind of ghost in Malay beliefs, the likelihood of class Jinn / Shaitan, which is maintained for the purpose menginiaya others. Maintenance of such spirits helped recognizable as saka.
18. The sea ghost
Ghost of water (also including marine Ghosts) is a kind of supernatural being held haunter or genie contained in the aqueous region. These creatures are considered somewhat hard and able to harm those who bertembung him.
Habit he said floating logs as bad, but they were able to knock him untouched.
In addition, he is said to incarnate to harass those who are on the edge of the water.
Believed that free water comes ghosts and spirits sciences rather than discarded, washed away by a river flowing into the sea by using random.
Sparkling sea water is said to indicate its presence. For menggelakkan nuisance to fishermen of ghost water (sea), a ceremony known as sea semah will be held every year. This ceremony is also known as a puja beach / main beach.
19. Ghost gaff
Galah ghost refers to a kind of ghost in Malay beliefs, the likelihood of class jin / shaitan.
He said the human form but bersaiz large and is so large that its head is said to sweep the clouds. He often found deep in the forest and usually only legs visible.
They often think that diusiknya said staple legs as stems. Her legs were long and simply say furry prey terserempak only at night when the legs are lean or hold, or when through a gap kangkangnya.
Humans are said to be friends with him plucking his calf that will be burned to menyerunya if need help.
20. Jin Land
Jin Land in Malay culture, referring to a type of spirit and matter superstition. He said rather than groups composed jin or devil, who is said to keep something the (ground).
Jin Land usually keep anything will disturb the soil and they are opening new land for berhuma. To circumvent Jin Soil disturbance, usually the opening ceremony of the new land will be held. Usually the meals provided are recognized as random / offerings include eggs, grilled chicken, sticky rice yellow and so on. If it were not, the soil will interfere Jin meneroka their new land area.
21. Ghost Keramat
Sacred refers to the spirit of ghosts or spirits contained somewhere but did not disturb anyone.
22. Hantu Kum-Kum
Originally ghost kum-kum say began with a woman who practiced the science mencantikkan advance. But one pantangnya is he should not be looking in the mirror for 10 days / month sesetengah story stated.
Since those early days everyone was praising her loveliness and caused him impatient and saw her face in the mirror on the last day. As a result, his face becomes worse, and after returning he met his teacher, he was told that free pretty face will only return after he swept his face with the blood of virgins XX.
It caused the woman wandered off-rayau knocked on the door to find prey while claiming "Kum-Kum" while wearing jibab.
23. Ghost Wrap
Ghost wrap or also known as the ghost or ghosts punjut pocong refers to a type of creature shaped like a corpse wrapped in a shroud.
Ghosts are said to harass wrap the weak spirit, and will move by leaping like a ghost china, or bergolek. He was said to be able to move as appropriate train, moving along with the train that is guided by their perturbed prey.
24. People oil
People oil refers to a person who for the purpose of studying the inner menceroboh prey into the house for the purpose of stealing / making a scene.
One story says the oil has been demanded miss the mark, causing him to black and will only recover after raping 40 girls. Prey will be impressed and signed by dipangkah on his face after tainted.
The story of the oil is very popular sehinggakan he made a film in 1958. Film is published by Malay Film Productions Ltd. and directed by P. Ramlee.
25. Gnome
Gnome ghost refers to a kind of ghost in Malay beliefs, the likelihood of class Jinn / Satan, who is said to often roam together bad weather.
26. Calendar
Ghost calendar or also known as the ghost tengelong in Kedah state refers to a person, usually a woman, who demanded black magic for something of interest. Those who are able to divorce their studies with their agency heads and their heads are able to fly with a belly strap decomposed decomposition. The blood dripping from their belly strap believed poisonous and will cause the mange to those affected. Those studying penangalan will usually save setempayan vinegar to brood them so sour stomach veins before bercantum get back into their original bodies. Believed if only they found the bodies and diterbalikkan, their heads will bercantum in reverse, with that Rahsia they will be discovered.
Penangalan believed to prefer the blood of women who labor, and in case they suck the blood, that laboring women will die from the blood spilled. By then, usually around the house laboring women (the first, the home fostered Poster), placed a kind of prickly leaves. Believed dating was about to approach the house scared his deep belly strap bimbangkan thorns stuck to it.
When the calendar fly, he believed such a brilliant white light, from their abdominal veins spilled it.
27. Pocong
Ghost wrap or also known as the ghost or ghosts punjut pocong refers to a type of creature shaped like a corpse wrapped in a shroud.
Ghosts are said to harass wrap the weak spirit, and will move by leaping like a ghost china, or bergolek. He was said to be able to move as appropriate train, moving along with the train that is guided by their perturbed prey.
28. Ghost splint
Ghost splints or also known as the ghost mudhole splints refer to a kind of ghost in Malay beliefs, the likelihood of class Jinn / Shaitan, who like to disturb people. Kononnya splint ghost is the spirit of evil that live in water. Ghost was able to resemble mats splint, and it will roll up and relaxes prey.
29. Ghost kopek
Kopeks ghost refers to a kind of ghost in Malay beliefs, the likelihood of class Jinn / Shaitan, who like to disturb people. Kononnya ghost shaped teat an elderly woman who likes menyorokkan small children who like to play around outside the home during the time of maghrib, by hiding them with kopeks (breasts) them.
30. Ghost Tetek
Kopeks ghost refers to a kind of ghost in Malay beliefs, the likelihood of class Jinn / Shaitan, who like to disturb people. Kononnya ghost shaped teat an elderly woman who likes menyorokkan small children who like to play around outside the home during the time of maghrib, by hiding them with kopeks (breasts) them.
31. Tigers invented
Tigers invented the Malay culture, referring to a type of science that allow persecutors swapped into a tiger if desired. He is said to be assisted by a group of jinns or devils, kept for the purpose of helping his master to defend themselves and also for memudaratkan enemy.
Tigers invented typically need to be removed before he died, and if only not dibuangkan, the prosecution would be difficult science died.
32. Gnome soil
Gnome land refers to the spirit or spirits that are virgin forest region. Gnome said to derive soil than urine or baby's cord grown in forest areas.
33. Ghost tengelong
Ghost calendar or also known as the ghost tengelong in Kedah state refers to a person, usually a woman, who demanded black magic for something of interest. Those who are able to divorce their studies with their agency heads and their heads are able to fly with a belly strap decomposed decomposition. The blood dripping from their belly strap believed poisonous and will cause the mange to those affected. Those studying penangalan will usually save setempayan vinegar to brood them so sour stomach veins before bercantum get back into their original bodies. Believed if only they found the bodies and diterbalikkan, their heads will bercantum in reverse, with that Rahsia they will be discovered.
Penangalan believed to prefer the blood of women who labor, and in case they suck the blood, that laboring women will die from the blood spilled. By then, usually around the house laboring women (the first, the home fostered Poster), placed a kind of prickly leaves. Believed dating was about to approach the house scared his deep belly strap bimbangkan thorns stuck to it.
When the calendar fly, he believed such a brilliant white light, from their abdominal veins spilled it.

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